Residential Care

Our residents are female – women between the ages of 18 and 65. We know that women are more vulnerable to certain types of exploitation and at Edgar Street our staff and Manager do their best to ensure that our residents are as independent as possible and learn how to handle everyday events without compromising their own safety. What it comes down at the end of the day is choice, and enabling residents to evaluate risk, to make safe choices and to ask for help if they feel uncertain or overwhelmed.

We offer long term residents and respite residents fully personalized care plans with input from professionals and, most importantly from the residents themselves ! Each resident directs her care so that support is tailored to achieve the goals each resident has set. Our staff are there to facilitate the achievement of individual goals.

For example, if the goal is (say) weight loss, then the Manager together with the resident and staff, will create a program incorporating healthy food choices, combined with attendance at a local gym, membership in a weight loss club, if so desired, and a routine of healthy exercise built into daily activities: Staff will attend as necessary according to the needs of the resident. If the goal is (say) work in the community – a local charity store perhaps, then Manager and Staff working with the Resident will find a suitable opening locally and create a custom Day Management and transport management program so that the Resident can get herself to the workplace location safely and regularly. Staff will ensure that the Resident is able to travel safely and will support her completely using any sensory device most acceptable to the Resident.

For Residents who are less able, Manager and Staff with Resident and family input will create a special program of activities for the Resident and support her throughout.

Edgar Street Residential Care Home is able to meet the needs of Service Users with dual diagnosis, and learning disabilities in combination with any mental health issues. The Manager will arrange for any professional input as required. Our staff members are also all trained in the use and handling of medication and, as the home is small,the Manager is always on hand.